Course Description

Students of this amazing adventure into the world of screenwriting will learn the art, craft, creative, and technical skills necessary to conjure up, develop, write, rewrite, format, and market an original screenplay, potentially leading to script sales and/or employment in various entertainment industry, marketing, or media production enterprises. Storytelling and story structural skills are also essential in interpersonal communications and business.

Providing insight into how stories communicate meaning through a unique language system (the language of visual storytelling and the format of a screenplay), students will examine structural tools and stylistic techniques they can apply toward a variety of projects and job opportunities.

Students of this course go on to become screenwriters, script consultants, script doctors, script supervisors, script coordinators, television show creators/runners, writer’s assistants, script readers, story analysts, development executives, producers, directors, documentarians, game developers, theme park designers, literary agents, proofreaders and/or story editors.

Course Introduction Video

Your next, epic script venture begins here!

A man bangs the keys of a classic typewriter.

Level Up Your Scriptwriting Skills

The comprehensive, downloadable e-books and videos provided within this course allow students to take notes and interact with Dustin and other students in a welcoming and thriving community. Since the course is delivered entirely online, you can enjoy absorbing the material at your own leisurely pace, wherever is most convenient at the time.

All videos are provided with subtitles in the following languages: English, Italian (Italiano), French (Français), Russian (Русский), Korean (한국어), Chinese Simplified (中文, 简体), Spanish (Español), Japanese (日本語), Portuguese (Português - Brazil), German (Deutsch), Hindi (हिन्दी)

Course Requirements:

Internet access and ability to play video and sound files

Ability to download and open .pdf files

Screenwriting software or word processor is recommended

Target Audience:

Aspiring or beginning screenwriters as well as intermediate and veteran writers who have somehow lost their way in the craft (or simply need a little inspiration once again).

An Award-Winning Storyteller & Educator

Dustin has made significant contributions toward the production of over fifty feature films and Television programs, garnering Oscars and Emmys in the process.

He has developed strategic operating plans that led Disney to the forefront of the entertainment world, creating synergistic opportunities with ABC Television, Pixar, Marvel, and Lucasfilm.

He hosts career-launching workshops on the technical and aesthetic components of screenwriting and digital media production. Since 1994, he has taught thousands of students from the ages of eight to sixty-eight. Whether you are an auditory, visual, or kinesthetic learner, Dustin's teaching style will help you master the subject.

Course Curriculum

Dive In, Enjoy, Write On!

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Keme Hawkins

"Dustin has a remarkable ability to dissect the art of storytelling, using carefully selected film clips to demonstrate the nuanced elements that make a story cohesive, compelling, and deeply engaging. Beyond his expertise, Dustin is an exceptional mentor—generous with his time, perceptive, and genuinely invested in his students' growth."

Pedro Canais

"Remember when you were a child and one of your parents was telling you a story? How it carried you on a path with a mixture of wonder and rationality? That’s what Dustin adds to his teaching. It’s his way of expressing the most precise details with a touch of magic. Dustin is more than a master. He’s a wizard of storytelling."

Anne Collins

"The course has all the essentials of a good movie – hugely engaging and entertaining. And what a lot of information there is to take in! It deals not only with character, structure and conflict but also practical issues such as how to pitch a script and - particularly useful for me - how to rewrite a script from the perspectives of different characters."